Our clients include…

  • Hospitals
  • Medical groups
  • Individual physician practices
  • Managed care organizations
  • Government institutions
  • Corporations

or any other organization recruiting and/or employing physicians on a permanent basis.

Key Benefits

The key to our service is a consultative approach that is based on years of physician recruiting experience and close, continual client communication. We work with you as a team to create the foundation necessary to ensure a successful search. 
We achieve this by:
  • Conducting a comprehensive, on-site practice and community
  • Providing a detailed, written search plan
  • Providing a sample physician search contract
  • Analyzing current client/physician contracts and incentive  
  • Assisting with federal recruitment law compliance                    
  • Establishing candidate parameters                                             
  • Consulting with the Search Committee                            
  • Confirming communication roles of the search committee       
By clearly delineating goals, expectations, responsibilities, time frames, financials, parameters and other strategic considerations on the front-end, we are able to optimally represent client opportunities in the marketplace.


Reeves Associates LLC. is unique in its ability to combine physician staffing consultation with bottom line implementation. We execute the search plans, that we help to create, through unequalled staffing resources, which include:         
  •  Personal letter campaigns & Telephone research
  •  Name recognition and credibility
  •  Networking with medical resident programs nationwide
  •  Medical journal advertising
  •  Attendance at multiple physician conventions
  • Custom Recruiting capability of all of our consultants
  • Extensive online resources. The "Practice Opportunities" section of our  web site
These unique resources, combined with meticulous, time-intensive candidate screening, credentialing, interviewing and negotiation, have helped us establish the highest search completion ratio in the industry. In today's highly competitive medical market place, recruitment success requires both a sophisticated search plan and the resources to carry it out.

Reference Accounts-WHEN WE GET A CLIENT, WE KEEP THEM. The Proof....(just) our Multiple placement communities below.

        State                  City          Specialty 

Physician Specialty: Family Practice

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Internal Medicine

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Pediatrics

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Obstetrics-Gynecology

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Ophthalmology

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Endocrinology

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Neurology

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Cardiology

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: General Surgery

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Cardiovascular Surgery

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Colorectal Surgery

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Neurosurgery

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Oral and Maxofacial Surgery

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Orthopedic Surgery

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Plastic Surgery

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Urology

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Vascular Surgery

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Dermatology

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Psychiatry (Psychiatry Jobs)

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported






Physician Specialty: Anesthesiology

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported







Physician Specialty: Radiology


Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported







Physician Specialty: Emergency Medicine

Lowest Reported

Average Reported

Highest Reported




